I might be jinxing myself by telling you all - but my Qualifying Exams are tomorrow.
I am so nervous its impossible to describe. I'm studying like mad and I feel pretty defeated already, so I'm hoping for some positive vibes from the PoP readers!!! Give me some good joojoo please - I need it.
What polish will I be wearing? OPI DS Glow:
I'm wearing a black jersey dress and a chunky vintage turquoise and brass/gold necklace from an amazing designer Krista (shop her etsy shop here) that I absolutely adore and think the combo is good - not too girly/flirty, but still a little brightness to cut all the black I'll be wearing. (The glasses I always wear for presentations are black - it ups my IQ - seriously. So does pulling my hair back. I'm blonde, female and I have boobs. I need all the help I can get in the 'take-me-seriously-I'm-a-scientist' realm. Don't judge.)
At least I have the outfit down?
*sigh* Back to furious and desperate studying/practicing/freaking out.