Thursday, June 16, 2011

Nude Pink Perfection - Essie Topless & Barefoot

Usually nude colours in any given collection are the least likely to be the most buzzed about. However, I think that the hands-down favourite for me (and many many others judging by how this was sold out everywhere!) of Essie's spring collection was Topless & Barefoot. It is, quite simply put, the perfect pink nude.

Here it is with my rose gold Fossil watch! (I am a total watch fiend, if you haven't noticed yet...) My mother and I both got rose gold Fossil watches - in different styles - to commemorate something big that happened recently.

And a regular shot! (I'm learning diffused flash...)

Just - perfection. To me this is the ultimate blend of beige, pink and white. Brava, Essie!

What's your perfect pink-tinged nude?
