Today I have some Nfu.Oh's for you. Both are holo and I wore them over the Nfu.Oh Aqua Base, which was expensive... and so worth it for the ease of application. I had issues with applying my first Nfu.Oh holo: it was streaky and took four coats to get on even. But with the Aqua Base, it was pretty good to go in two and perfect in three... and not even the slightest bit streaky! I'm going to try it out as basecoat with other polishes to see if it's great for everything. I betcha these would make metallic polishes like ChG Khrome look incredible. :)
Nfu.Oh 065
Light bluish silver holo. Look at that gorgeous linear holo (which should be distinguished from the scattered holo look). I mean, it is just so smooth and incredible. But these pictures kill me! They were taken in the lightbox and the white light I use in there just can't show what Nfu.Oh holos are capable of in the sunlight. Luckily, I got a bunch of photos of Nfu.Oh 066 in the sun...
Nfu.Oh 066