Thursday, May 6, 2010

MFVMPJ: My favourite version of OPI My Private Jet!

You know the story: There are approximately 4 versions of OPI My Private Jet out in the wild. Most ladies are trying to scrounge up the original version - it was super holographic and a deep charcoal. Subsequent versions have ranged from weaker versions of this to 'wow-that's-not-even-close', which has frustrated so many people.

I am not one of those ladies! The version that I happen love the most is one of the 'dud' versions - the so called 'non-holo teal flash' version. It is a charcoal/eggplant base (its pulling a little brown in these pics as it does in the bottle - but in reality it looks like deep eggplant) with speckly rainbow shimmer that borders on holo in the bright bright sun but is much more demure than a true holo. You can see a strong teal flash in the bottle, but the light has to be *just* right to see it on the nail.

I just adore it. I think of it as original MPJ's more demure cousin.

The rainbow shimmers are more easily seen in real life:

Classic pose, had to be done:

Bottle pic - see the teal flash??:

Bottle pic of another dud version - the 'weak brown holo' version. (And my OPI Jade is the New Black thumb...) It's hard to see in this pic, but the flash on this is more bronze/brown. I really prefer the charcoal/purple rather than brown base :

On another fabulous note, this is day 4 of my mani - yep! I owe this to Essie shine-e - a manicure extender in the same vein as Barielle's. It wards off tipwear and chipping and makes everything look shiny and new...(like a virgin...). And makes it so that during the chaos that is my life right now I don't have to worry about my mani.

I've been working my butt off on this thesis proposal (which is now done and handed out) and now I have to get a powerpoint ready to do a mock talk tomorrow for my qualifying exams - the real deal is Tuesday. I could really use the good joojoo from my nail friends!

So anyways - what is your fav version of MPJ?

I hope all of you lovely readers are doing well!
