Friday, January 8, 2010

iNOTD: Omega Labs Golden Green

I'm on campus right now, trying to do some work while waiting for my SO to get out of his interview. He's applying to my PhD program and he's meeting with the prof he wants to work with right now. If he gets invited to prospectives' weekend, I wonder if I can get reimbursed for hosting him. ;) (We live together. It'd help just a tiny bit with the rent that month...)

First week of classes has flown by and I am feeling more and more anxious about this quarter. I have no idea of what my second year project will be and I currently have no interest in continuing my first year project. At least I don't have to TA this quarter. I had originally planned on getting my master's this spring -- it's mostly a formality -- but I don't know if it's worth the trouble. I already have a master's in another field: what's an extra set of letters after my name going to do? It's just one big paper anyway. Maybe I'll do it this fall.

Anyway, my iNOTD while I wait for my SO: Omega Labs Golden Green!

Isn't it pretty? Dark green glitter speckled with gold and holo glitter in a dark green (almost teal) jelly. It's so fantastically happy and sparkly. This is three coats, topped off with two coats of "David". It's still a bit bumpy but who cares when it glitters so?

Omega Labs is such a hard brand to get ahold of for me. I got this one from a dusty (a nail salon) in the local mall for $4. They didn't want to sell me more than two though! I wish I could order a variety of these online. Anyone know any place to do this? I've emailed this company several times, to no avail. :(