Okay, so I know this is a filthy name, but I actually find this one of the most 'innocent' of the polishes I own. It's clean, it looks kick-ass on my skintone, it's easy to apply, and it goes with all my clothes. In short, it makes me feel more like me. So I wear this whenever I need a comfort blanket polish to get me through something hard. Like, in this case, having a massively important week at work, where we presented the report that's been three months in the making (and for which I was doing the launch photography), when I was feeling really horrendous thanks to a trapped nerve in my back.
Fortunately, this polish made me feel better. Two creamy coats of jade green goodness made me a little cheerier ever time I had cause to look at it. I'm also trying a new base/top coat, the Lumos system, as recommended by Charlotte of Lipglossiping. (A very good friend of mine also bought the set after reading this post, so I'm pleased to know I'm not the only susceptible one!). I'm just pleased that I can finally tell Seche Vite to get bent, after wasting huge amounts of money on bottles that to turn to pudding one-third the way in.