(2 coats)
I seriously want to punch the air with this one. Just punch the air in its flabby stomach. God this rocks. It's a sheer peach nude, instead of your prevalent pink (good for my yellow-brown skin, perhaps?). Like Vanity Fairest (another Essie nude fav) it has a soft and subtle shimmer.
At first I was seriously annoyed with TransDesign for sending me a heavily evaporated bottle until I bought a backup of this color. Turns out the one TransDesign sent me was a black-label. The newer bottle is a blue-label and the color is rather different. It is more sheer, bottle color is slightly pinker, and the shimmer creates a fine opalescent finish rather than just a wisp delicate shimmer. Ick.
(From left to right: blue label 1 coat, blue label 2 coats, black label 2 coats, black label 1 coat)