My classes have been interesting so far (though the reading for one class has been very difficult to get through). One professor has us thinking about the dynamics of the body. What we mainly discussed in class was the separation between the body's external and internal parts and also the relationship between the mental and physical body. An interesting thought he brought up was the idea that when people are diagnosed with cancer, the goal is often to villainize the cancer, as in, "I'm going to beat this cancer!" But when you think about it, the cancer has developed inside your body and is growing inside your body, in your cells and organs. So is the cancer part of you, your body? How do you define YOUR body? As in, is YOUR body simply comprised of what's on the outside, or do you also take into account what's inside? I think a major reason for the separation is that we often feel that we have control over what's on the outside of our bodies while we sometimes feel we have no/little control over what goes on inside our bodies (maybe because we can't see our insides?).
One reason I brought this up is that I could connect this discussion with nails and nail polish. Our nails are part of our bodies and we cover them with colors most often to express our love for colors and our creativity. Yet sometimes we have little control over what our nails do, whether that be peeling, or chipping, or breaking, etc. Perhaps the "control" we feel over our bodies is all an illusion, as sometimes it seems that nothing I do can give me the optimal results I want (such as using acne medication to get rid of acne but then still breaking out, or using nail products that promise no more peeling and then getting peels).
But I'm just rambling. If I sound inarticulate it's because I'm just getting back into academia and I feel really rusty (who knew that only 1.5 years could do that?). But for those of you who come to this blog for pics, here they are!!
NOTD has been The Icing Roger That, which is a gorgeous teal green with a glass fleck shimmer. Imagine China Glaze Watermelon Rind with a touch more blue in it and you've got Roger That. Unfortunately, this color is one that is hard to photograph, but I did my best.
These pictures are 3 thin coats after 3 days of wear!
This first picture, though a bit blurry, is the most color accurate of the bunch.
You can find The Icing polishes at The Icing stores (typically in malls) and they are almost always around $3.50 each and B1G1 50% off.
Thanks for looking!